"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced" - James Baldwin
Monday, 9 December 2019
Last Chance Election
are now two days away from the election. I know I have said this
before but I will say it again. In my seven decades this is the most
important general election since my first. That was in 1945 with the
election of the Atlee Labour government which saw the setting up of
the NHS.
In that election my only voice was as a wailing baby. My
only actions at the other end of my body. For the first time in my
life I am actively involved in what has become a vital struggle to
return this country to a semblance of civilisation. We are not
talking about a social revolution, but the attempt by a Corbyn-led
Labour Party to place the UK alongside the social and economic
policies of the Scandinavian countries.
This election is not about Brexit. It is not about the idiocy of Boris Johnson. It is quite literally about life and death. I am
alive today because the NHS has been there to save me. Please watch this short video and
read ’Nail Your Flag to the Mast’. Then join me on Thursday and
Vote for a Labour government. It is the ‘last chance’ election.
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