"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced" - James Baldwin
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Letter to Jeremy Corbyn from Ken Loach, Brian Eno & others
Jeremy Corbyn MP – leader of the Labour Party
artists and writers, we would like to thank you for raising political
awareness in our country to a level not seen since the end of World
War II. Your humanity, courage and insight have mobilised a new
generation of socialist activists.
of our work reflects the world we live in and, as leader of the
Labour Party, you have inspired and energised us for the future.
media has been atrocious in the recent election and, in the face of
provocation, we congratulate you for keeping your dignity and
will never be forgotten.
Loach - film director
Eno - musician/producer
Grime 4 Corbyn
Nigel Kennedy - musician
Livingstone - writer and ex-Mayor of London
Sayle - writer and comedian
L Kennedy - writer
Rosen - writer/poet
Martinez - comedian
Kennard - artist
Collings - painter and art critic
Brittain - writer
Christian - writer/ human rights lawyer
Ahmadi - writer
Alty - glass artist
Angus - artist
Angus - photographer/musician
Anaxagorou - poet
Aylor - writer
Barat - writer
Barnett - musician
Greta Berlin - sculptor
Bird - musician
Bomberg - writer
Bradbury - writer
Brown - writer
Browne - writer
Catnip - musician
Cermak - writer/artist
Chantrell - artist
Penny Crichton-Seager - artist
Clark - musician/former ‘Dodgy’
Darnley - sculptor
Devlin - writer
Duarte - theatre director
Driscoll - artist
Faulkner - archaeologist/writer
Farrell - artist
Feinstein - writer
Field - writer
Finnigan - writer
Foot - writer
Owen Gallagher - poet
Gardner - poet
German - writer
Graham - writer/computer scientist
Grant - writer
Adrian Green - poet
Higgins - writer
Kate Hudson - writer
Hunter - silversmith
Hoskins - writer
Ilson - poet
Inman - poet/photographer/writer
Jameson - painter
Jayasundera - actor
Jordan - writer and Minister in Mandela’s SA government
Kahn - writer/musician
Kasrils - writer and Minister
in Mandela’s
SA government
Kealey - artist
Kilroy - banner maker
Koczy - musician
Kuper - writer
Leibowitz - photographer/educator
Linnell - writer
Loffill - painter/musician
Lucas-Smith- musician
Mark-Jones - Theatre of the Wild
Mazotta - artist
Kathleen McCreery - writer/playwright/director
Medina - writer
Mills - artist
Modak - actor
Monaghan - photographer
Montague - Editor, The Ecologist
Moos - writer
Neves - musician
Nicols - musician
Nisbet - fashion designer
O’Brien - film producer
O’Donovan - director Speakeasy Sessions, Skibbereen
Panesh - writer
Papadaki - writer
Perera - composer/producer
Radford - artist
Rees - writer
Roche - poet
Rowell - independent bookshop
Sandhu - musician
Sagall - writer
Sanders - illustrator/cartoonist
David Seeger - ceramics artist
Shaban - actor
Shore - illustrator
Tapping - poet
Tomlinsion - writer
Tree - musician/artist
Turner - musician
Walling - Border Crossings, Artistic Director
Watkinson - voice artist/former DJ
Weard -writer/musician
Welstead-Wood - illustrator
West - AKA Mr C
Merryn Williams - poet
Wilson - sound designer
Wilton - Prof. Intern. Relations
Wilson - writer
Woolf - writer
Zangana - Iraqi writer
As of 5 Jan 2020 the 'artists' letter has been signed by over 4000. These have come directly to me by email, registered on this web page or recorded on multiple entries at Peoples Campaign for Corbyn Facebook.
Is he standing for the leadership? Just a thought.
Dear Jeremy, you and your friend John McDonnell will go down in History as the heroic Champions of the People you served with integrity that this cruel world is earnestly seeking.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world - Mahatma Gandhi
I supported J Corbyn as soon as I heard him speak in the leadership debates. An inspiring, caring man with huge knowledge of social issues and foreign injustices. The media destroyed intelligent debate. We will fight on.
Thank you Mr Corbyn. I hope this list of great people is a small indication of the admiration and appreciation we all feel for your dedication to truth and justicefor all. We honour you.
I was lifted to heights I didn't think possible by your vision and leadership only to have my dreams dashed. There is a brighter future for us if we embrace the beautiful manifesto your team has bestowed. I will be listening for your advice on the way forward. As Tony Benn said the campaign for socialism is never ending so whilst we are smarting from a defeat we must bounce back and win the next one. Onwards and upwards.
Thank you Mr Corbyn, I cannot conjure up wonderful words like poets, buy I can say THANK YOU to yourself and Mr Mc Donald for making the Labour Party a good, honest, viable party. I wonder how many of those people who were cheering at one of your rallies have stabbed you and the party in the back. Shame on them.
Had lost nearly all hope and trust in politicians until you came along Jeremy and my hope was revived. I joined the Labour Party, and had never joined a political party before. You have succeeded in changing my world view that it is possible to have politicians of integrity who do really care about people and the environment. There are millions like me. Now that is success!
Amazing, so a FEW champagne socialists sign a letter to Corbyn saying what a great job he has done. Also, the FEW hard left that demonstrate in London. While MANY of the real working folk of this country signed on their ballot paper that they do not want Corbyns’ Labour. Is it not ironic that the Labour slogan is “for the many not for the few”?
I never voted in my life until I heard about Jeremy Corbyn. A friend told me, vote for Jeremy Corbyn to be leader of the Labour Party because he's a really good man. I did vote and then we had to vote again and pay £25 to do so, the other members of the Labour Party didn't want Jeremy Corbyn to be their leader. I was so happy when he got in again as leader. The British people must be totally mad to have voted for the Tories after 10 years of austerity. As Noam Chomsky said the power of the press can make you believe that someone who has worked for peoples rights and against racism and antisemitism for 40 years, is anti-Semitic! It's such nonsense and the system is totally wrong. We need proportional representation too. I want Jeremy Corbyn to remain leader of the Labour party but that's not going to happen, so I doubt if I will vote again. The system does not work. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for bringing us hope for a while.
Jeremy, These are dangerous times that require a different approach from party leaders such as yourself. Resignation is not one of them, the struggle between the people and wealth is too acute. You have won more than lost while Bojo has lost more that he has won and he did not resign. You increased the vote in 2017 and T May stayed on . You can do the same. do not let the establishment get away with pushing you out. The truth is on your side, we the people elected you as leader. We the people voted in the millions for you to stay. We need to let the country know that we have your back. If necessary we need a petition supporting a reversal of your resignation.
Jeremy you directly inspired me to rejoin labour after leaving due to Kinnocks witch hunt of the left, I left because of the lack of free speech not because I was forced or coerced at all, like many others at the time and for several years afterward. You should have allowed the local parties to de-select virulent MP's much earlier and more effectively, and should have stood up to the anti-semitism smears too. Otherwise I still remain inspired. Good luck in the future much love and respect.
You tried your hardest but against the MSM onslaught, the BBC bias and maybe pure ignorance, you fought a losing battle. I still believe you will be shown to have been on the right side of history. Thank you. Gina Deen, Retired banking. Crafter
Jc4ever a man in a billion and the elite were absolutely terrified you were gone to make there ivory towers crumble but the fight goes on and build a country on the hope you created of a better world for the many and to hell with the few jc4ever
JC I have been a supporter of you since the beginning of your leadership and my support has been, and will always be, without doubt, question or hesitation. You have been an inspiration and a hero to so many.......Thank you.......Calvin Parsons Painter
There will never be anyone like you,or to ever stand in anyway, in politics who could even tie your laces. My vote will be your whatever you decide to do.You have so much courage, i wish i could have a milligram of it.Thank you for whatever you decide. love to you and your beautiful family.Pat Massie.
I totally agree with those artists musicians et al, you have brought caring and community to politics - shame so many were afraid for their little bit of power or money or ???? to vote for you, may our future children see through the tory lies and greed and eventually society will be a kinder plasce. Thank you Mr Jeremy Corbin.
with present legislation the media jumped into the gutter - and stayed there. I have not succumbed to their plea for subscribers and I never will. There was a pretty obvious conspiracy which demonised Corbyn and the labour party. Ex members also did a lot of damage - they made it work better that the Tories could ever expected. I congratulate Mr Corbyn, is Ms Sturgeon aware that Mr Corbyn voted for greater autonomy for Scotland.
As a minor artist and a less human, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Weaker people would have crumbled under the onslaught you are still having to endure on our behalf.
Thank you Jeremy & John. I know you’ve not given up and neither have I. What goes around.....this is not over yet. Neither is the fight for women’s fair place in society. As a woman the battle continues as does the battle for a fair society.
As inspiring as the arts themselves - thank you Jeremy for giving us more than we dared to dream of and thank you to all the signatories who have inspired us through the darkest of times, I fear we are going to need you more than ever right now
I am so very moved and heartened by the support of these musicians and artists. Jeremy promoted the arts at every opportunity and believed that people benefited greatly from engaging with the arts. We are left spiritually poorer by his departure. Thank you to all the signatories and thank you Jeremy Corbyn. I will miss you very much.
JC you are up there with Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. You are a truly inspirational Politician who has changed politics forever more. You may not have won the election but you will always be a winner to me and my family. A decent and humble man who was brave enough to fight for the most vulnerable in our society. May the Sun always shine for you. Fran Wilby (wife, Mother and Socialist!).
Huge debt of respect owed to JC for his display of integrity in the face of constant vilification. I can't imagine any of his detractors would have survived the lies and smears for one day, let alone the last three years. So many journalists and members of the PLP have disgraced themselves with their behaviour, shame on you all. (unknown artist, Goldsmith school of art 1968-72) member Labour party/branch secretary
I want to thank you jeremy from the bottom of my heart I am a single mother to 2 disabled children. I became a member when you became Leader. You truly inspired me and gave me hope something I will never forget I stood with you and will forever stand with you going forward. You're still my prime minister.
You will be forever a hero to me, I don't blame you for standing down after all that was threw at you but I'm sad as hell that you are. Thank you for the great fight you put up, the fight will go on.
Not sure if you have to be a big name to make this list, but if not, please put forward my name (Ben...Artist, musician and secondary school, cover supervisor) and add that Jeremy Corbyn was supported by me. I voted for him. I believed in him. I did not believe the smears. He has earned a rest from the hateful world out there. I only hope he has inspired enough interest in politics to encourage a new generation of young politicians to hold corrupt power to account. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for all that you did and all you represented as the Labour leader. You’ll not be forgotten, nor scapegoated by me. Ben
Thank you Jeremy for being who you are . You are the best Labour has ever had. I just wish you were staying put as we need you now more than ever to continue the good fight . I will never give up . You have given us hope x
After a dark few days following the election result it has made me so happy to see the comments on here and know that others feel the same way I do. Last week's result means we have to fight harder fo those who can't fight for themselves. It means we have to speak louder for those who don't have a voice and it means we have to care for those who will be neglected. We have to keep hoping that one day the electorate will wake up to what they have done and act to put it right.
Jeremy, you are a statesman of global standing. You have helped millions see that there is a credible alternate to our corrupt economic system. Across our social class system, many have been inspired by your progressive stance and ability to bring people together. Thank you.
This is my second attempt at posting. I am just an ordinary person, no wonderful skills except being a humanist and trying to be a good person. Thank you so much for lightening our days during your campaign and giving us hope. We could never have wished for a more dignified and serious leader. Never change Mr. Corbyn you are a perfect person who the majority love. Don't leave us, don't let them push you out, stay and fight for our rights, it;s what you have always done and are so good at.We need you. So have a well earned break and please come back recharged. Jake Moriarty.
i agree with what has been said here and it is truth.A man such as Jeremy Corbyn will never be forgotten. what ever he decides next he will always have my vote because i know i can trust and with my family also. I do wish he would stay but i do understand because he gave it all. the onslaught by those bstrds must have taken its toll on him. Bless him whatever he decides.Hwill always have my vote on anything he decides.
The first time I saw you I wondered why a lovely bloke like you wanted to take on the role of leading the Labour Party. The second time you had visited employees at different work places before inspiring a packed hall of students. I hope you know how many young people travelled to hear you, some as young as 14. Keep inspiring and look after yourself...you are an exceptional person. Thanks. xx
Hear, hear. You have changed everything permanently and no amount of mud slinging and bluster from the usual suspects can change that. There are millions with light and gratitude in the hearts now thanks to your vision, endurance and statesmanship.
Amazing what you achieved, for both a new generation and us lot who've been around for years wishing and hoping for something better. Utterly inspirational and how you've stood up to the onslaught is beyond comprehension. Nothing but the greatest respect xx
At 13 Harold Wilson inspired me to join the Labour Party. In 1997 Blair and the continued destruction of Council housing, the privatisation of the NHS and the Iraq war caused me to drop out of active involvement to the point that I was considering leaving the Party. Then another inspiring socialist, a man of principle inspired me again to become actively involved again! Jeremy’s leadership has has empowered the membership to take back the Party from the corruption of the neoliberal elitists. We will not let the party slip back! Jeremy’s legacy will be the restoration of a truly democratic socialist Labour Party!
David Flack - Secretary Rayleigh and Wickford CLP and Parliamentary Candidate
Thank you for all you have done for us. I still believe this election was rigged, the elite were too frightened of you. You're a great man, one who certainly is for the many ❤️
I just hope that the Labour Party remains truly transformed by your wonderful legacy and continues to blossom in the way you would have it. The Country has lost the chance of a truly reforming leader who would have left us all better off and improved the planet.
History won't remember you in the way you were falsely painted and many (some brilliant writers here!) will ensure that that is seen you. Thank you for everything you did.
p.s I apologise for my userhandle. I was young once.
Well said. Such beautiful words. You have inspired two generations. What a wave of hope you have instilled in us in such a short time!!
Woe betide a central right-wing party leader now: we will leave in droves if a Blairite is elected! So, although the Moggs, Mays and Johnsons thwarted our hopes of a socialist government, we know that this movement will continue and gather Momentum. We look forward to your next chapter when you will undoubtably fight further injustice. You are an outstanding human being.
Jeremy is an inspiration to everyone. I joined the Labour party solely to vote for him as leader, I'm 72. He has been treated abysmally by the media, the so called government and even by some Labour supporters. In a my years, I have never Serena politician treated this way and this to an honourable, caring, wonderful man who's only fault was he cared! I have the absolute and utmost respect for him and always will have! Sandra King, Labour party member and retired NHS worker
Thank you David and all for writing and signing this. He deserves to know how grateful and supportive we are. I just emailed to request adding my signature. Annalisa (photographer) xx
Jeremy, I met you briefly when I was standing for Cambridgeshire county council. Thanks for all that you have done. The drive to the centre by your predecessors has been nothing but a disaster. I was teaching during the Thatcher and Blair years and both of them ignored the arts. I believe the arts are fundamental to creating a civilised society. The economic model is clearly broken and doesn’t encourage the talents of our people, especially those who are poor. You have done a great service by setting the party in the right direction. Your contribution has been immense. Thank you so much, Adam
Adrian Rothwell 💚 Thank You Jeremy 🌹 for galvanising millions of authentic, caring hearts and Minds,lighting and igniting passion and hope for the future..... I hope you will still be a influential and strong Voice against this Corrupted Pantomime Villain Government with many dastardly deeds to administer Keep on keeping on ✊🌹💚🆘🇬🇧
Thank you Jeremy and John for reawakening the dreams of millions of people,we are strong now but as every day goes by we shall get stronger and we will prevail and then we will bring the cheats and liars to justice ,all thanks to both of you.
Thank you for the best manifesto ever- thank you for showing us there is a better way. Thank you for giving us hope. We will keep the flag flying high.
At some point in the distant future, i believe everything you have fought for will become the norm. England just wasnt ready for you because they still read nothing but right wing media. You would have been the best British Prime Minister in my life, longer in fact, much longer. But the whole system is rigged. You did however inspire at least 3 generations of activists and politically engaged more people than i'd have given England credit for. You did for England since 2015 what Alec Salmond did for Scotland from 2011. Hopefully your people will catch up with mine when the Tories fuck everything up entirely.
I would like to acknowledge JC and JM for their strength, honour and integrity, true gents with real grit, heroes that have inspired me and taught so many of us by taking massive risks that took real courage. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Jo x
I don't how long humans have, but to dismiss the main plank of the Labour Manifesto, The Climate Emergency, the UK public will shed bitter tears & real fear in years to come. The chance, at such a pivotal moment to surge ahead with massive, indeed industrial infrastructure and education is now lost. The FFF and XRebellion will go on but UK will not be a spearhead to drive EU and then US followed by China etc... We are now lost, but thank you for trying.
Labour found its soul again from your inspiration. I rejoined Labour because of you and am saddened by your departure from leadership. There is a struggle ahead but it will be energised by you. Allan
Jeremy you and your team, if gotten in power, would have redressed the balance of all the harm that has been inflicted on the this country since Maggie Thatcher with her weapon (the handbag), including to a slightly lesser extent the Blairites. "For the many, not the few". The slanders and smears have been utterly vile! (am a Dutch national having lived in this country for over 27 years). The xenophobia and regressive policies by the present government and and their far-right facilitators is deeply disturbing, akin to rise of Nazism in Germany in 1993.Am a supporter of the principles that the EEG (EU) is built on. Reform is needed though in the EU, a more social Europe, for the many and not the few!
I have been inspired by your leadership and you have awakened in me a passion for your kind and caring politics. I have never belonged to a political party before but have joined the Labour Party because of you. I am devastated and angry at the treatment you have received. You need to know that I am amongst many thousands of people who love you and are proud of you.
Thank you Jeremy for your honesty, courage, integrity and sheer determination in your fight to make this country fair. Unfortunately integrity is lacking in today’s politics, and this became your ‘downfall’. Despite the election result, I believe you have been inspirational in shaking up the ‘norm’ and waking millions up to the important issues of social justice. Your legacy will live on - people will remember you as the Best Prime Minister we could have, and should have had. As a Labour Member, I will continue to use my voice to ensure that Labour remains the Party of the Many, not the Few.
As an Irishman observing the shananigens that went on leading up to the general ellection....i am gutted for you Geremy Corbin....you are a man of the utmost integrty...you done a great deal to bring peace to my island of Ireland....you Sir, are the geatest statesman i have ever seen. Cormac Cullen.
Thank you Jeremy. You have been an honest, sincere and honourable leader of the Labour Party and an inspiration to me and many others. I know that if the Labour Party had won the election, you would have been a great Prime Minister and, instead of an austerity agenda, yours would have been one that would have sought to decrease poverty and homelessness and to look after the vulnerable people in our society.
Thank you for your integrity, grace, humility, honesty, peacefulness and kindness. You are a great politician, a great role model and a great man. We need more like you, we need to show love in the face of hate and courage in the face of fear. Thank you for helping so many of us to do that, long may it continue.
Dear Jeremy, I never knew it was even possible to admire a politician so much as I do you. Your passion, strength and integrity is inspiring to us all, I joined the Labour Party as soon as I heard you at first leaders selection, I and my family took immediate notice - a politician speaking to us and for us. I can’t tell you how excited and relieved we were. It has been an honour to follow you through thick and thin. We believe you and in you and still do. I know you probably wouldn’t wish such a thing but you are a hero in our house - I know of no other person who had devoted their lives to others, to the injustice here and around the world. You have been honest, principled and consistent throughout. It has genuinely upset me over the last 4 years to see the vile media smears against you and when you said ‘when they go low we go high’ you certainly did, I know one day the truth will come out and until then , thank you for giving millions of us a voice, thank you for your compassion, thank you for being Jeremy Corbyn.
Thank you for listening to ordinary people and giving us hope.I will never forget you and what might have been.It hurts us to see how they treat you, pulling apart everything you stood for. You will always be my hero. Retired nurse aged 65
Thank you JC, you restored my faith in the party, the Blairites of the party must take the blame for the shambles the election turned into, together with the MSM. Every faith in you, stay strong Ken Young Pensioner.
Your belief in a true socialist society had the money men and their lackeys worrying long into the night but it also inspired a hope in a lot of people that a just society is a worthy goal and worth fighting for.May the road rise to meet you and may the sun be always on your back and best wishes for your future wherever it may lead.You were our man in a million ,thankyou Mr Corbyn.
I can't echo your calm and dignity in the the face of the constant and outrageous bile by the billionaire press and other media. I want to see what happens now we have a PM with only a passing connection with truth and detail and who has carried out a right wing coup aided by the media. I think before long many who voted for Johnson will come to regret their decision especially when confronted by what you and Labour offered. It won't be just the social revolution you offered but the green revolution. I don't believe Johnson has the slightest interest in tackling the climate crisis either at home or worldwide. We have missed a chance for social justice and a green revolution and that is downright dangerous. You will be remembered for offering a different, safer and more just world. Thank you for trying.
When my siblings and I were very young, our mum used to take us all on her campaign trail around the neighbourhood, campaigning for the Labour party. She was a staunch Labour supporter up and to Mr John Smith. After his death she became very disillusioned about the Party's direction (obviously remained faithful). But I know she would have been very proud of the party since you took on the leadership. You represented everything she wished for; protecting and fighting the PEOPLES AND ANIMALS corner; for all those in need without a selfish bone in your body. Politically speaking, I became very cynical about all politicians, and for that matter Union Leaders, Individual union leaders that became all too powerful and self promoting with large financial rewards for themselves! Every speech left hollow sounds. Then I witnessed what my mother wanted and fought for all her life; A Man that genuinely cared about people,the defenceless throughout the world. The huge injustices committed against UK citizens, the austerity, the sick,starving children, immigration rights,the list goes on.. And that man is you Jeremy Corbyn. You would have been way up there in my Mothers approval and restored her faith in the values she wished for all throughout the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for erasing the cynicism within me to the point I feel we are not alone. when challenging the wrongs in this world and finding the cure for the contemptible disease that strips our community core values.
Thank you Jeremy for your unwavering service and cast iron integrity. As a disabled person who could have really done with you winning, I don’t blame you in the slightest! We were just stacked against a corrupt media and Brexit. Simon Maders
To qoute Jerry McQuire, "we live in a cynical world". I'm as cynical as the next man, but I recognise honesty for what it is when I see it. That's what I see in you. Along with honesty I see honour and decency with a burning desire against injustice. Mr Corbyn, you have inspired and guided me to be a better person, I cannot pay you a greater tribute than that. Thank you.
I hold both a Canadian and British passport. I have lived in Canada for half my life...I was appauled by the treatment of you, by the Newspapers, and the political.powers...You have been an inspiration to so many, and I'm.sorry you had to go through what you had to, but you are a true hero...you represent so many values, that we have lost site of, Thank You, for never giving up, you have nothing to be ashamed of...I am 56 years old, and you have created so much hope, and political awareness, for so many...and again Thank you, for being the first decent Politician, I can remember so far in my lifetime.....xx
Many thanks JC for all your hard work and vision. I wonder if the general public will ever realise what they missed out on this week. The battle continues for justice and equality for all. Hope you and John will be there to support RLB in the upcoming struggles! Much love brotherx
Jeremy Corbyn a 1 in a million. A just fair man fighting against a corrupt elitest and sadly the controlled brain washed public didn't see what they had. The only MP not totally out for himself but fighting for a fairer Country and world. You inspire me with your decency fairness and intellect. Your had the battle of your life and you fought a fair fight with decency and honesty. I will be forever grateful for all your efforts.
Jeremy Corbyn you are a man, who totally inspired and understood the pain of the common man, you would have been my prime minister if it wasn't for the demonising of the media, the elite were never going to let you win, this election was fraudulent, you were the people's prime minister
No Politician in my (long) liftime has been so abused and villified by the establishment and Media, yet you have consistently projected a message of hope, decency, compassion and a fairer, better, cleaner future for the many. I salute you and thank you for your service to the people, something other politicos have forgotten is their job. Paul Brewer, Teacher
I would like to thank you Mr Corbyn for all you have done in the name of humanity. I feel that the media coverage of your valiant attempts to create a fairer society was driven by a dark and dangerous force. I can only begin to imagine how you are feeling right now and I applaud your strength and dignity throughout. I believe Ghandi once said "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it always" Take a well earned rest now and come back renewed to continue to help those in need in our world.
Thank you, Jeremy,for changing the narrative. Thank you for staying steadfast in the face of horrendous, unprecedented vilification by the press. I feel you are part of my family, although I have only spoken with you once, and love you as I do my family.
From my heart I want to thank you for all you ave done and for being so strong and showing us the way. I saw hope for a future for my children with you and I am now filled with dread but in your name I will fight on, You are truly a great leader.
Don't stop now. Sod the PLP and the NEC, show true mettle and lead the grass root membership to take over the constituency Labour Parties and trade unions. Fight on principles, not processes.
Your truth and courage against the golden circle was inspiring. The treatment you received by the British media was horrific, depressing and totally biased against you (especially by the BBC - they should hang their heads in shame) but you maintained your principals and dignity throughout. Walk tall.. all the best from Dublin..
We will keep fighting social injustice you have been an example of how to remain dignified despite a disgusting barrage of hate and lies thank you for your leadership
I was and will always be so proud that I stood with you Jeremy. You are a great comrade and a great leader. One who leads by obeying. Many are refusing to let go of or squander the hope which you instilled in us. That is our greatest strength.
Dear Jeremy, Thank you! History will show how Britain wasted the opportunity of having a decent, honest and principled Prime Minister to lead the country out of this economic and political quagmire. It’s a great shame and stain on the nation. I have always admired you and your integrity, from your ever contestant fight against inequality and peace-seeking talks with various groups, to your fight against apartheid in South Africa and more recently, your almost unilateral stance against the U.K.invasion in Iraq. It is sickening to witness the ruthless MSM barons take national bullying to new heights in their campaign to demonise you. I understand and support your desire for a new kind of consensus and visionary politics. You and John McDonnell are amazing! But the people of Britain have revealed themselves and it is not a pretty sight. Sadly they will come to regret not having you lead the way to a better Britain. Thank you for trying. In solidarity, Elaine Mullings ����
I am English Australian, from what I have read and watched, it is such a great shame that you are not prime minister. Can you come to Australia and save us instead?
Glastonbury 2017 I stood amount the squeezed crowd in the John Peel tent. You gave an inspiring speech and filled me with warmth and gratitude. I welcomed your integrity. You are the reason Tony Blair was able to bring peace to Ireland. Through opening up communication on both sides. You know the only way to stop a fight is through compassion , understanding and to debate miscommunication. As a nurse I loved what you stand for. You amaze me how you did not retaliate against the lies and propaganda targeted at you xxxx
Dearest Jeremy,You gave us all hope with your honesty and maturity,but in a world of uncaring irresponsible capitalism you didnt get the chance that we deserved.Well done for sticking at it for so long,for staying true to what you believed in and not sinking to the level of bullying and lying and spite employed by your opposers.Thankyou for trying to change things for the better, Keep on keeping on.X
Jeremy Corbyn, you are a man of honour, a politician who wanted to serve the people, who wanted to help humanity, who at to save the environment and the devastating impact of Narcissistic Leaders worldwide. Those that were not 'awake' were easily manipulated by lies, fear, smoke and mirrors and the old 'divide and conquer'. You stood up and showed us what decency is. I will never forget you or your legacy. You have sparked a torchlight, now it is up to the rest of us to carry this light onwards. Be Blessed Always
Dear Jeremy. as a life long supporter disgusted with the antics of Blair, you absolutely inspired me to become a member again. You have been a fantastic leader esp in the face of the constant attacks from the British MSM and your grace and dignity under fire, has been heart warming and remarkable. We shall forever be in your debt Comrade. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Jeremy you are the prime minister we should have had and the only politician I've ever trusted. A true humanitarian. You have stood up to the bullies and faced down the nay-sayers with integrity and honesty. Thank you for everything you have done.
Fantastic, well-balanced guy - head & heart; body & soul.. too-evolved, aware, multi-faceted, alas, for the Brits who consume tabloids, with their simplistic-narratives... One day, they will realise you were on their side, and care about them, as anyone fully-human tends to care about the whole of the human-race, and all living-beings... You have behaved with dignity towards the horrendous, utterly self-centred/serving press; their constant abuse and twisting of facts must have made you livid (It made me livid, when you're powerless to do anything about it, but you know it's untrue, unjust -sometimes opposite to the truth! :( )
Enjoy your wife, cat & all your family & friends this Christmas, and I will see you again somewhere I expect! You are very well-loved by those of us who get you, and have thousands of people who would like to call you their friend...
Dear Jeremy, your courage and dignity in the face of such an onslaught and vilification by those, inside and outside the party that want to destroy you because they are fearful of change, is a huge inspiration to those of us, artists and non artists alike, striving for a Fair, Equitable and Just society for all. A true visionary, thank you and blessings.
Dear Jeremy - Your 3/4 years as leader has put the cause of Socialism right back on the agenda especially for the young who are the future. I am proud to have voted for you and supported you in every way possible. You have made a mark which will be remembered for generations. It is still a crusade for the many not the few and it will continue as such until we win. You have my utmost respect and I hope you keep going in Parliament, it's a marathon not a sprint and the future is ours.
You inspired me to once again whole heartily support Labour. It was with great sadness when I heard the we have another 5 years of the Tories. To me a regressive step and I fear for many. Thanks for your decency and compassion. As a Christian, I appreciate you and your peaceful works.
Maybe Jeremy you were ahead of your time: just a few years. Hopefully the young will rise up soon and knock the establishment down, at least a little. I don't like talking in past tenths about you, for me you are still the present and the future
Dear Jeremy, I've always voted Labour but I didn't join the Party until there was the possibility of voting you in as Leader. My Mum (now 89) had left the Labour Party over Tony Blair's Iraq disaster but rejoined, along with me, as it seemed at last Labour would be able to return to its Socialist roots. What you achieved has been monumental - against all the odds, you and other Labour MPs have shifted the 'Overton Window' to the Left. You've shone a much needed light on the poor and disempowered, and made the nation think - even if only a little - about what kind of world we wish to live in. I have found the media and Tory vilification of you shameful and disgusting, and despite all the smears and lies I thank you for staying honourable throughout. You so clearly believe in what you say, and have absolute clarity of vision, unlike your opponents. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you very much for all you have done, and know that you are much appreciated. All the best, Elaine (and Janet)
Thank you for your hard work. Such a shame that the vote share is not reflected in seats. Your message has brought those of us disillusioned with centrist policies back to the Labour party.
Thank you for demonstrating to us all that politics can be authentic, be human, be kind, be empathetic, be visionary, be compassionate. You were wickedly treated by the media and BBC. You inspired me to believe in socialism again
A politician who doesn’t attack individuals, who doesn’t vilify personality, whose political life has been about attacking bigotry, fighting for a better life for those of us who are more vulnerable, but who suffered 3 years of assault by media, by corporate interests, by those who have no interest in the many. We shall miss you more than we realise now.
As a mother, Artist and fellow human, I would like to thank Jeremy for all as stated above. You inspired me to believe in politics and the possibility of real change. I was appalled by the Media coverage, disinformation and bias reporting. I Joined the labour party because I believed in you and feel sad that you were treated so badly. We shall carry on your cause. We won't give up. We will carry on because it is the right thing to do. You have been an inspiration to so many and have engaged a whole generation of young people in politics. You had them all running scared because they know you would have never have been their puppet. Thank you for supporting and wanting to change the fortunes of many vulnerable people in our society. I fear there will be many more! Thank you for your dignity, remaining true and honest and thank you for your life long commitment to peace, fairness and equality.
Whatever you think of Jeremy, and most people are positive, if he had been elected Prime Minister of a Labour majority government, we may have had Dianne Abbot as Home Secretary, which would have been the biggest calamity ever. Law, common sense and justice would have been consigned to the dustbin, alongside personal integrity, and mathematic capability.
Why he aligned himself to such a loser is beyond belief.
British voters do not deserve to have someone like Jeremy Corbyn as their Prime Minister. They do not need a person with honesty, integrity and compassion to lead them. No, they would much prefer an arsehole or a sociopath to lead them to the future. Good luck to them.
Thank you Jeremy Corbyn. The Greatest Leader this country will now never have. The rarest of things, (an honest politician), who fought a clean campaign in the dirtiest of elections. An incoruptable force for the good of all, not just lining his pockets for the favor of the few. Sir, I take my hat off to you and really wish that you didn't have to stand down. You were the PM we needed. Just a pity MSM hypnotized and brainwashed the masses into choosing that bumbling cockwomble instead. A very sad day indeed :(
OOO Jeremy Corbyn, more than 20 years ago I was homeless in London. It was a very very cold winter. I use to fill my days by everyday going to a different charity to ask them to help me. They were all absolutely useless with the exception of a homeless charity in Pratt Street Camden, who used to give us food and allow us to wash ourselves and our clothes. Somebody there told me about this MP in Islington that really cared about the homeless. I went to see you and told you my story. That was on a Friday about 11 am. By 5 that evening I had a home in Islington. Thank you for saving my life.
My hope from me to you is joy and peace, I witnessed what no person should witness against their anyone, that being bitterness, hatred and murderous as well as many others. I’m only sorry I couldn’t take the hits for you. You have my Deepest Regards and my Highest Respects. Thank you Mr Corbyn
Dear Jeremy, Know that you are loved and appreciated by so many for the compassionate soul that you are and for everything you have done for humanity, and for the vision you had for change. I wish you well-deserved peace and happiness and I will miss you. Ailia
Dear Jeremy I wish you and your family well for the future. Thankyou for showing the country what a true leader could be. Labour will learn from the disgraceful way the media treated you and will unite behind the next leader. Marg
Thank-you Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, for remaining calm, dignified and true to your [and our] chosen course in the face of overwhelming noise and lies from the forces of untruth and smear. Although of small compensation, history will be kinder to you than almost all of the current "bought & sold" British media.
Thank you Jeremy for retaining your clarity of vision and for your undying commitment to social justice. Your dignity and patience in the face of unprecedented vilification from the right-wing media has been extraordinary -- and in the midst of the electoral mayhem you and your senior colleagues came over as true statesmen surrounded by charlatans. Take it easy -- recharge your batteries and have a very happy Christmas!
I had never even once attended a political rally. I had never even once agreed with anything a politician had said. I had never even once been moved to tears by a politicians words. I had never even once believed in a politician. I had never even once had hope for my fellow British people. I had never even once dared to dream that we might have a system that puts people before profit. I had never even once thought we could emphasise that life should be good for the many, not just the few. Until Jeremy Corbin became leader of the Labour Party. Thank you Jeremy, for inspiring me to believe in a future with real justice, real equality and real prospects. Thank you for being a perfect gentleman in the face of such horrendous bias and smears. Thank you for giving the best years of your life to us, for all our betterment. You are a great man.
Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for standing up for humanity, humility, dialogue and for holding a vision of a better future for us and this precious planet. I honour and thank you.
Dear Jeremy, I am friends with two people who have worked with you, (one Ruth Wilson who is sadly not with us any more) both of whom held you in the highest regard and respect and believed in the values and policies you espouse. Thank you for standing up for wildlife and the environment, I am sad you won`t be PM, I hate the way things are going now. Dont let the negative people get you down, Happy Christmas with your family, Jill, Manager, Hedgepigs and Hoglets Rescue
Your world view of compassion for all humanity is sadly not understood by people who are easily & willingly fooled by the age-old trick of populism, seemingly favouring some members (their own) of the human race over others. Hence, they spit bile and vitriol at you, who are one of those rare people who would show compassion to those who hate (even hurt) you. One day (it comes to us all), they will wish for someone like you to show them the humanity they eschew for others. Please remember you are loved & honoured by so many who share your values as you have been a man of principles, kindness, humility & dignity in the face of vile abuse. I only joined the Labour Party because of you - I fear you have big shoes to fill as you have been incorruptible (and hence vilified by the establishment). I don't know if anyone else can be as strong. May you have peace, happiness & love forever more. Thank you xxx
Thank you Jeremy and John and it's a sad lost for the UK that we don't have the LP in office with Corbyn in number 10. Did I say thank you, I'll say thank you again.
For a while I really thought the common sense, humanity and a more selfless population would grasp the opportunity to finally vote for a true full leader with an amazing manifesto to work towards a more balanced a fair society that could truly bring us together to save the planet for future generations then I woke up and it was just a dream. You get the government you deserve I'm afraid. Im sad forJeremy Corbyn to have been so derided in the press and to have lost his chance to show us all his vision. Don't give up.
Thank you Jeremy for standing for gentleness and humanity towards the most vulnerable in our society. Thanks also for dignity and humility you have shown since the General Election. I am sorry for the slurs and abuse you received during the campaign. Thanks again.
I can't believe that national newspapers are allowed to print such total lies without any comeback. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for being a man of integrity and dignity.
Thank you Jeremy for your dignity and perseverence while maintaining a determination to get the correct moral view point across while representing our Labour Party and constituency. That the truth was not fully revealed to the general electorate is wholly due to the political control of the mass media and the bias they exercise in their own interests and loyalty to greed & avarice. I do not want you to resign from the leadership, far from it, I'd like you to stay and complete the job. But only if you can. Thanks.
You have been an inspiration to me and my family, so much so that 2 of us have joined the Labour Party. Your integrity and principles have shone through the blitzkrieg of right wing attacks - how you managed to maintain your calm demeanour will always be a mystery to me. Well done and thanks for everything, you will never be forgotten. We will continue to stand for democratic socialist principles, even though the system is so heavily stacked against us.
You have been a breath of fresh air! True good Labour after being soiled by tory blair's new labour for years. If you change your mind about not being leader, you will be the greatest PM ever. C.& T. Darley- Wildman.
I truly thank you for rising to the challenge of leading an honest campaign with respect and integrity... a campaign based on empathy and hope. In the face of constant discouraging smear attempts you stood your ground and never stooped to the level of back biting and bickering. For what it's worth, empathy towards displaced Palestinians does not, of course, constitute as antisemitism. I met you in Bristol in a cafe and you held my baby boy! It was great to meet you. Thanks for being strong and dignified in the face of adversity, Mr Corbyn. Inspirational.
Jeremy, I met you at the Brighton Hustings in 2015. I was a new member of the party having previously voted for leader as a union member. I went with an open mind and with no clue of who I would vote for. You impressed me with everything you said and I knew that day you were the best man for the job. My husband has been a "floating voter" for most of his life, but once you were leader, he listened to you in interviews and Commons QT etc, and decided you were the most honest politician he'd come across and is now firmly in our camp. Thank you for bringing traditional Labour values back. My late father was a refugee from the Nazis and a committed Labour supporter and trade unionist. He'd have backed you all the way too. Thank you.
what an incredibly strong, compassionate inspiration. Corbyn is still there to defend the disadvantaged no matter the bullying or mps backstabbing. he is still there selfless. he's miles ahead of this time. absolute respect
It was no surprise to me that the media chose to demonise your pursuit for equality and humanity. The majority of influential employees in the institutions, which the media is built on support and promote hatred. Neo-Liberalism itself can only exist with the influence of hatred, for the economic abuse of a fellow human cannot be executed through love. Unfortunately this is a reflection of the British and other societies, which are yet to evolve through the power of love. With much respect to your work for the GE 2019, Seeyam Brijmohun MA (commendation)
Thank you Jeremy for your support and loyalty as the leader of our honourable labour party for the many against the corrupt few and hopefully for many more years to come God bless you and your family sir.🌹✊🕊️🙏💎😎
Sammy Palfrey i have waited 50 years since becoming politically active for a Leader of the Labour Party like you. That is why i joined. You have inspired a massive amount of a young generation to politics and shown us all that socialism is the only way forward to create a happy caring society for the many. It will be a very dark day when you resign as leader, but we will carry on the fight knowing you will continue too, there will always be space for people as great as you are. Ohhhhh, Jeremy Corbyn ����
Dear Jeremy. Please reconsider your resignation. Do you realise you lost the election because in an act of desperation & fear the media, Tories & establishment mobilised a last ditch campaign against you & rigged the election count to obstruct your path to power?
You won the debate on behalf of the 99%, on behalf of our embattled NHS & public services, the homeless, working poor & vulnerable. You saw off 2 Tory PMs, had Mrs May on the ropes throughout her tenure & derailed her Brexit agenda completely. Same with Boris, you had him on the ropes, procrastinating, bumbling, lying & staggering around like a headless chicken.
Come back & finish this fight with us. The rigged election result says absolutely nothing about you, but everything about the people who would rather see injustice, oppression & hate reign, see millions starved & driven to ruin than allow a man like you; a man of prescience; compassion, integrity & conscience, representing the 99% in power.
Only you can fix this Jeremy.You've earned your place, don't let them push you out after 4 years of the grassroots movement & you standing up to the barrage of smears, lies & hate from socialism's enemies.
I remain inspired, you inspired me like no other politician that we can have that better world but we can't have it without brave politicians like you leading the way & standing with us. Do it for you; for the membership; for your children, our children, future generations, the planet Throw out convention & stand up again, to hell with what they say, what can they say that we haven't already heard, don't believe the hype or the rigged election Jeremy, the people are awake & stand with you. Millions of lives & the planet are at stake if you don't fight back now.
You are a great and rare example of someone who truly cares about people. But it seems we have to drive into the wall before people can understand who you were and what your manifesto truly offered.
I am in tears to see so many people thanking Jeremy Corbyn. He was my beacon of hope. My dream that people come first. Not money. We are all in this together. My new dream is he will carry on fighting for us. I will stand by him.
Before Jeremy Corbyn I had never before been inspired to join a political party or to closely follow party politics. Like many others I joined the Labour party because of him and to vote for him to lead the Labour party. I have remained a member ever since. He is not on the far left, he wants to see a just and fair society. The media have a lot to answer for. With so many people inspired and particularly younger people, I feel hopeful that the wonderful manifesto will come to fruition.
Win or loose you are so great none else will ever get anywhere near you in terms of love , affection and admiration from so many millions we won’t be able to quantify. You will be dwelling in the hearts of people both young and old for generations to come as a national hero . Nobody can take your place in the forceable future. Long live Jeremy Corbyn.
I too agree with all the artists, writers, musicians etc
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, you and your friend John McDonnell will go down in History as the heroic Champions of the People you served with integrity that this cruel world is earnestly seeking.
DeleteIn a gentle way, you can shake the world - Mahatma Gandhi
I supported J Corbyn as soon as I heard him speak in the leadership debates. An inspiring, caring man with huge knowledge of social issues and foreign injustices. The media destroyed intelligent debate. We will fight on.
DeleteThank you Mr Corbyn. I hope this list of great people is a small indication of the admiration and appreciation we all feel for your dedication to truth and justicefor all. We honour you.
DeleteI was lifted to heights I didn't think possible by your vision and leadership only to have my dreams dashed. There is a brighter future for us if we embrace the beautiful manifesto your team has bestowed. I will be listening for your advice on the way forward. As Tony Benn said the campaign for socialism is never ending so whilst we are smarting from a defeat we must bounce back and win the next one. Onwards and upwards.
DeleteThank you Mr Corbyn, I cannot conjure up wonderful words like poets, buy I can say THANK YOU to yourself and Mr Mc Donald for making the Labour Party a good, honest, viable party. I wonder how many of those people who were cheering at one of your rallies have stabbed you and the party in the back. Shame on them.
DeleteHad lost nearly all hope and trust in politicians until you came along Jeremy and my hope was revived. I joined the Labour Party, and had never joined a political party before. You have succeeded in changing my world view that it is possible to have politicians of integrity who do really care about people and the environment. There are millions like me. Now that is success!
DeleteAmazing, so a FEW champagne socialists sign a letter to Corbyn saying what a great job he has done. Also, the FEW hard left that demonstrate in London. While MANY of the real working folk of this country signed on their ballot paper that they do not want Corbyns’ Labour. Is it not ironic that the Labour slogan is “for the many not for the few”?
DeleteI never voted in my life until I heard about Jeremy Corbyn. A friend told me, vote for Jeremy Corbyn to be leader of the Labour Party because he's a really good man. I did vote and then we had to vote again and pay £25 to do so, the other members of the Labour Party didn't want Jeremy Corbyn to be their leader. I was so happy when he got in again as leader. The British people must be totally mad to have voted for the Tories after 10 years of austerity. As Noam Chomsky said the power of the press can make you believe that someone who has worked for peoples rights and against racism and antisemitism for 40 years, is anti-Semitic! It's such nonsense and the system is totally wrong. We need proportional representation too. I want Jeremy Corbyn to remain leader of the Labour party but that's not going to happen, so I doubt if I will vote again. The system does not work. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for bringing us hope for a while.
DeleteJeremy, These are dangerous times that require a different approach from party leaders such as yourself. Resignation is not one of them, the struggle between the people and wealth is too acute. You have won more than lost while Bojo has lost more that he has won and he did not resign. You increased the vote in 2017 and T May stayed on . You can do the same. do not let the establishment get away with pushing you out. The truth is on your side, we the people elected you as leader. We the people voted in the millions for you to stay. We need to let the country know that we have your back. If necessary we need a petition supporting a reversal of your resignation.
DeleteJeremy you directly inspired me to rejoin labour after leaving due to Kinnocks witch hunt of the left, I left because of the lack of free speech not because I was forced or coerced at all, like many others at the time and for several years afterward. You should have allowed the local parties to de-select virulent MP's much earlier and more effectively, and should have stood up to the anti-semitism smears too. Otherwise I still remain inspired. Good luck in the future much love and respect.
DeleteYou tried your hardest but against the MSM onslaught, the BBC bias and maybe pure ignorance, you fought a losing battle. I still believe you will be shown to have been on the right side of history. Thank you.
DeleteGina Deen, Retired banking. Crafter
#Me too!!
DeleteThank you for everything
ReplyDeleteJc4ever a man in a billion and the elite were absolutely terrified you were gone to make there ivory towers crumble but the fight goes on and build a country on the hope you created of a better world for the many and to hell with the few jc4ever
ReplyDeleteBravo, well said !
DeleteI am truly devastated at the Country's loss of a caring Prime Minister...You restored my faith in politicians.
DeleteLike it ...
ReplyDeleteJC I have been a supporter of you since the beginning of your leadership and my support has been, and will always be, without doubt, question or hesitation. You have been an inspiration and a hero to so many.......Thank you.......Calvin Parsons Painter
ReplyDeleteThere will never be anyone like you,or to ever stand in anyway, in politics who could even tie your laces. My vote will be your whatever you decide to do.You have so much courage, i wish i could have a milligram of it.Thank you for whatever you decide. love to you and your beautiful family.Pat Massie.
DeleteThank you for offerring a vision of a better and fairer UK. Do not listen to the nae sayers in your party.
ReplyDeleteWe need you stay as our leader. Please reconsider. Let's fight on!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy - still my PM!
ReplyDeleteA dazzling light in the ever increasing darkness. Thank you from SpannerHQ!!
ReplyDeleteAs artists we are not on that list but we support it wholeheartedly ! D.H. SMITH AND I.E.SMITH !
ReplyDeleteThank you for inspiring us
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with those artists musicians et al, you have brought caring and community to politics - shame so many were afraid for their little bit of power or money or ???? to vote for you, may our future children see through the tory lies and greed and eventually society will be a kinder plasce. Thank you Mr Jeremy Corbin.
ReplyDeleteHow does it feel to be so badly misunderstood? Thank you for your inspiration and courage.
ReplyDeletewith present legislation the media jumped into the gutter - and stayed there. I have not succumbed to their plea for subscribers and I never will. There was a pretty obvious conspiracy which demonised Corbyn and the labour party. Ex members also did a lot of damage - they made it work better that the Tories could ever expected. I congratulate Mr Corbyn, is Ms Sturgeon aware that Mr Corbyn voted for greater autonomy for Scotland.
ReplyDeleteAs a minor artist and a less human, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Weaker people would have crumbled under the onslaught you are still having to endure on our behalf.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy & John. I know you’ve not given up and neither have I. What goes around.....this is not over yet. Neither is the fight for women’s fair place in society. As a woman the battle continues as does the battle for a fair society.
ReplyDeleteYou will always be my PM. Your honour and self-belief has been inspirational, as too has your visionary policies.
ReplyDeleteAs inspiring as the arts themselves - thank you Jeremy for giving us more than we dared to dream of and thank you to all the signatories who have inspired us through the darkest of times, I fear we are going to need you more than ever right now
ReplyDeleteTruly the finest leader of our times
ReplyDeleteJermeny will go down in history has the msn who was denied his frightful place has prime minister.
Thank you Jeremy for working so very hard to educate and inform the next generation of voters. Their time will come because of YOU!
ReplyDeleteThe best Prime Minister we never got to have. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe political scene won't be the same again for a generation.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you.
Mission accomplished comrade ✊
I am so very moved and heartened by the support of these musicians and artists. Jeremy promoted the arts at every opportunity and believed that people benefited greatly from engaging with the arts. We are left spiritually poorer by his departure. Thank you to all the signatories and thank you Jeremy Corbyn. I will miss you very much.
ReplyDeleteA heartful of thanks and gratitude for all the love, care and honesty you have given the people of this country and hope that we can be better
ReplyDeleteJC you are up there with Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. You are a truly inspirational Politician who has changed politics forever more. You may not have won the election but you will always be a winner to me and my family. A decent and humble man who was brave enough to fight for the most vulnerable in our society. May the Sun always shine for you. Fran Wilby (wife, Mother and Socialist!).
ReplyDeleteHuge debt of respect owed to JC for his display of integrity in the face of constant vilification. I can't imagine any of his detractors would have survived the lies and smears for one day, let alone the last three years. So many journalists and members of the PLP have disgraced themselves with their behaviour, shame on you all.
ReplyDelete(unknown artist, Goldsmith school of art 1968-72)
member Labour party/branch secretary
I want to thank you jeremy from the bottom of my heart I am a single mother to 2 disabled children. I became a member when you became Leader. You truly inspired me and gave me hope something I will never forget I stood with you and will forever stand with you going forward. You're still my prime minister.
ReplyDeleteWould just like to thank you for being such a inspiration to me, Truly a wonderful human being.
ReplyDeletePaul Siggins mosaic artist
guid guy!
ReplyDeleteYou will be forever a hero to me, I don't blame you for standing down after all that was threw at you but I'm sad as hell that you are. Thank you for the great fight you put up, the fight will go on.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteNot sure if you have to be a big name to make this list, but if not, please put forward my name (Ben...Artist, musician and secondary school, cover supervisor) and add that Jeremy Corbyn was supported by me. I voted for him. I believed in him. I did not believe the smears. He has earned a rest from the hateful world out there. I only hope he has inspired enough interest in politics to encourage a new generation of young politicians to hold corrupt power to account. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for all that you did and all you represented as the Labour leader. You’ll not be forgotten, nor scapegoated by me. Ben
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy for being who you are . You are the best Labour has ever had. I just wish you were staying put as we need you now more than ever to continue the good fight . I will never give up . You have given us hope x
ReplyDeleteAfter a dark few days following the election result it has made me so happy to see the comments on here and know that others feel the same way I do. Last week's result means we have to fight harder fo those who can't fight for themselves. It means we have to speak louder for those who don't have a voice and it means we have to care for those who will be neglected. We have to keep hoping that one day the electorate will wake up to what they have done and act to put it right.
ReplyDeleteJeremy, you are a statesman of global standing. You have helped millions see that there is a credible alternate to our corrupt economic system. Across our social class system, many have been inspired by your progressive stance and ability to bring people together. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis is my second attempt at posting.
ReplyDeleteI am just an ordinary person, no wonderful skills except being a humanist and trying to be a good person.
Thank you so much for lightening our days during your campaign and giving us hope. We could never have wished for a more dignified and serious leader. Never change Mr. Corbyn you are a perfect person who the majority love. Don't leave us, don't let them push you out, stay and fight for our rights, it;s what you have always done and are so good at.We need you. So have a well earned break and please come back recharged.
Jake Moriarty.
I would love him to just have a well earned break and stay on as leader.
Deletei agree with what has been said here and it is truth.A man such as Jeremy Corbyn will never be forgotten. what ever he decides next he will always have my vote because i know i can trust and with my family also. I do wish he would stay but i do understand because he gave it all. the onslaught by those bstrds must have taken its toll on him. Bless him whatever he decides.Hwill always have my vote on anything he decides.
Deletesorry ,my keyboard keeps sticking.
DeleteThe first time I saw you I wondered why a lovely bloke like you wanted to take on the role of leading the Labour Party. The second time you had visited employees at different work places before inspiring a packed hall of students. I hope you know how many young people travelled to hear you, some as young as 14. Keep inspiring and look after yourself...you are an exceptional person. Thanks. xx
ReplyDeleteHear, hear. You have changed everything permanently and no amount of mud slinging and bluster from the usual suspects can change that. There are millions with light and gratitude in the hearts now thanks to your vision, endurance and statesmanship.
ReplyDeleteYou have integrity and you are authentic: a rare treasure. I am so sorry for the abhorrent treatment you have been subject to.
ReplyDeleteAmazing what you achieved, for both a new generation and us lot who've been around for years wishing and hoping for something better. Utterly inspirational and how you've stood up to the onslaught is beyond comprehension. Nothing but the greatest respect xx
ReplyDeleteAt 13 Harold Wilson inspired me to join the Labour Party. In 1997 Blair and the continued destruction of Council housing, the privatisation of the NHS and the Iraq war caused me to drop out of active involvement to the point that I was considering leaving the Party. Then another inspiring socialist, a man of principle inspired me again to become actively involved again! Jeremy’s leadership has has empowered the membership to take back the Party from the corruption of the neoliberal elitists. We will not let the party slip back! Jeremy’s legacy will be the restoration of a truly democratic socialist Labour Party!
ReplyDeleteDavid Flack - Secretary Rayleigh and Wickford CLP and Parliamentary Candidate
Thank you for all you have done for us. I still believe this election was rigged, the elite were too frightened of you.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great man, one who certainly is for the many ❤️
I just hope that the Labour Party remains truly transformed by your wonderful legacy and continues to blossom in the way you would have it. The Country has lost the chance of a truly reforming leader who would have left us all better off and improved the planet.
ReplyDeleteThank you for standing up for what is right. Jay M.
ReplyDeleteHistory won't remember you in the way you were falsely painted and many (some brilliant writers here!) will ensure that that is seen you. Thank you for everything you did.
ReplyDeletep.s I apologise for my userhandle. I was young once.
Thanks for bringing us all another massive step on the way ... the future is red!
ReplyDeleteWell said. Such beautiful words. You have inspired two generations. What a wave of hope you have instilled in us in such a short time!!
ReplyDeleteWoe betide a central right-wing party leader now: we will leave in droves if a Blairite is elected! So, although the Moggs, Mays and Johnsons thwarted our hopes of a socialist government, we know that this movement will continue and gather Momentum.
We look forward to your next chapter when you will undoubtably fight further injustice.
You are an outstanding human being.
Jeremy is an inspiration to everyone. I joined the Labour party solely to vote for him as leader, I'm 72. He has been treated abysmally by the media, the so called government and even by some Labour supporters. In a my years, I have never Serena politician treated this way and this to an honourable, caring, wonderful man who's only fault was he cared! I have the absolute and utmost respect for him and always will have!
ReplyDeleteSandra King, Labour party member and retired NHS worker
DeleteA true man of the people thank JC one for the many not the few a true socialist ��❤️ NHS midwife
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, and John ~ Thank you, you gave me a political home for the first time in decades x
ReplyDeleteThank you David and all for writing and signing this. He deserves to know how grateful and supportive we are. I just emailed to request adding my signature. Annalisa (photographer) xx
ReplyDeleteJC you have inspired a generation to fight the good fight. History will show you to be true. Thank you
ReplyDeleteJeremy, I met you briefly when I was standing for Cambridgeshire county council. Thanks for all that you have done. The drive to the centre by your predecessors has been nothing but a disaster. I was teaching during the Thatcher and Blair years and both of them ignored the arts. I believe the arts are fundamental to creating a civilised society. The economic model is clearly broken and doesn’t encourage the talents of our people, especially those who are poor. You have done a great service by setting the party in the right direction. Your contribution has been immense. Thank you so much, Adam
ReplyDeleteAdrian Rothwell 💚 Thank You Jeremy 🌹 for galvanising millions of authentic, caring hearts and Minds,lighting and igniting passion and hope for the future..... I hope you will still be a influential and strong Voice against this Corrupted Pantomime Villain Government with many dastardly deeds to administer
ReplyDeleteKeep on keeping on ✊🌹💚🆘🇬🇧
Thanks so much for fighting for our rights and inspiring others. Take a well earned rest. Lots of love to you xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy and John for reawakening the dreams of millions of people,we are strong now but as every day goes by we shall get stronger and we will prevail and then we will bring the cheats and liars to justice ,all thanks to both of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy, hold your head up high, you tried your best and gave many of us hope for a better UK.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy and John for standing for fairness and decency and a vision of a better world.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the best manifesto ever- thank you for showing us there is a better way. Thank you for giving us hope. We will keep the flag flying high.
ReplyDeleteAt some point in the distant future, i believe everything you have fought for will become the norm. England just wasnt ready for you because they still read nothing but right wing media. You would have been the best British Prime Minister in my life, longer in fact, much longer. But the whole system is rigged. You did however inspire at least 3 generations of activists and politically engaged more people than i'd have given England credit for. You did for England since 2015 what Alec Salmond did for Scotland from 2011. Hopefully your people will catch up with mine when the Tories fuck everything up entirely.
ReplyDeleteWhat bollox you people regurgitate!
ReplyDeleteBless you x.
DeleteThank you Jeremy as a true Humanitarian you may hold your head up high unlike those who speak double speak and sell the people down the river.
ReplyDeleteI agree wholeheartedly and would proudly add my name to this list - Jason Thompson, Documentary Filmmaker and Photographer
ReplyDeleteI would like to acknowledge JC and JM for their strength, honour and integrity, true gents with real grit, heroes that have inspired me and taught so many of us by taking massive risks that took real courage. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Jo x
ReplyDeleteI don't how long humans have, but to dismiss the main plank of the Labour Manifesto, The Climate Emergency, the UK public will shed bitter tears & real fear in years to come. The chance, at such a pivotal moment to surge ahead with massive, indeed industrial infrastructure and education is now lost. The FFF and XRebellion will go on but UK will not be a spearhead to drive EU and then US followed by China etc... We are now lost, but thank you for trying.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm so sorry the time wasn't right for you, you'll never be forgotten
ReplyDeleteLabour found its soul again from your inspiration. I rejoined Labour because of you and am saddened by your departure from leadership. There is a struggle ahead but it will be energised by you. Allan
ReplyDeleteThe day will come. It has to!
ReplyDeleteJeremy you and your team, if gotten in power, would have redressed the balance of all the harm that has been inflicted on the this country since Maggie Thatcher with her weapon (the handbag), including to a slightly lesser extent the Blairites. "For the many, not the few". The slanders and smears have been utterly vile! (am a Dutch national having lived in this country for over 27 years). The xenophobia and regressive policies by the present government and and their far-right facilitators is deeply disturbing, akin to rise of Nazism in Germany in 1993.Am a supporter of the principles that the EEG (EU) is built on. Reform is needed though in the EU, a more social Europe, for the many and not the few!
ReplyDeleteI have been inspired by your leadership and you have awakened in me a passion for your kind and caring politics. I have never belonged to a political party before but have joined the Labour Party because of you. I am devastated and angry at the treatment you have received. You need to know that I am amongst many thousands of people who love you and are proud of you.
ReplyDeleteSue Turner, retired music teacher, aged 72
I Agree totally with you
DeleteThank you Jeremy for your honesty, courage, integrity and sheer determination in your fight to make this country fair. Unfortunately integrity is lacking in today’s politics, and this became your ‘downfall’. Despite the election result, I believe you have been inspirational in shaking up the ‘norm’ and waking millions up to the important issues of social justice. Your legacy will live on - people will remember you as the Best Prime Minister we could have, and should have had. As a Labour Member, I will continue to use my voice to ensure that Labour remains the Party of the Many, not the Few.
ReplyDeleteAs an Irishman observing the shananigens that went on leading up to the general ellection....i am gutted for you Geremy Corbin....you are a man of the utmost integrty...you done a great deal to bring peace to my island of Ireland....you Sir, are the geatest statesman i have ever seen. Cormac Cullen.
ReplyDeleteI have supported Labour for years and joined the Labour Party a few years ago. Jeremy
ReplyDeleteCorbyn and John McDonnell deserve IMO huge respect.
The only politician I have identified with for several decades. History will show you as a man who should have been listened to.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy. You have been an honest, sincere and honourable leader of the Labour Party and an inspiration to me and many others. I know that if the Labour Party had won the election, you would have been a great Prime Minister and, instead of an austerity agenda, yours would have been one that would have sought to decrease poverty and homelessness and to look after the vulnerable people in our society.
ReplyDeleteKathy Boyle- Retired social worker
Thank you Jeremy, for filling my heart with hope 🙏❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you for your integrity, grace, humility, honesty, peacefulness and kindness. You are a great politician, a great role model and a great man. We need more like you, we need to show love in the face of hate and courage in the face of fear. Thank you for helping so many of us to do that, long may it continue.
ReplyDeleteSo many of us have never believed the media lies designed to scare people away from the freedom your policies offered
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, I never knew it was even possible to admire a politician so much as I do you. Your passion, strength and integrity is inspiring to us all, I joined the Labour Party as soon as I heard you at first leaders selection, I and my family took immediate notice - a politician speaking to us and for us. I can’t tell you how excited and relieved we were. It has been an honour to follow you through thick and thin. We believe you and in you and still do. I know you probably wouldn’t wish such a thing but you are a hero in our house - I know of no other person who had devoted their lives to others, to the injustice here and around the world. You have been honest, principled and consistent throughout. It has genuinely upset me over the last 4 years to see the vile media smears against you and when you said ‘when they go low we go high’ you certainly did, I know one day the truth will come out and until then , thank you for giving millions of us a voice, thank you for your compassion, thank you for being Jeremy Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteThank you for listening to ordinary people and giving us hope.I will never forget you and what might have been.It hurts us to see how they treat you, pulling apart everything you stood for. You will always be my hero.
ReplyDeleteRetired nurse aged 65
Thank you Jeromy for giving me hope for all.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being true and honest. Numquam desiste, numquam concede.
ReplyDeleteThank you JC, you restored my faith in the party, the Blairites of the party must take the blame for the shambles the election turned into, together with the MSM. Every faith in you, stay strong Ken Young Pensioner.
ReplyDeletePsycho-Social Academic, therapist, musician, astrologer,poet - thank you for lighting a flame of hope; we shall do our best to keep it alive
ReplyDeleteIf ever there was a man of integrity it was Jeremy Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteThe vision you had will stay with us, until it becomes a reality, AND it will. Mr Corbyn, We , in our millions, applaud you!
ReplyDeleteYour belief in a true socialist society had the money men and their lackeys worrying long into the night but it also inspired a hope in a lot of people that a just society is a worthy goal and worth fighting for.May the road rise to meet you and may the sun be always on your back and best wishes for your future wherever it may lead.You were our man in a million ,thankyou Mr Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteI can't echo your calm and dignity in the the face of the constant and outrageous bile by the billionaire press and other media. I want to see what happens now we have a PM with only a passing connection with truth and detail and who has carried out a right wing coup aided by the media. I think before long many who voted for Johnson will come to regret their decision especially when confronted by what you and Labour offered. It won't be just the social revolution you offered but the green revolution. I don't believe Johnson has the slightest interest in tackling the climate crisis either at home or worldwide. We have missed a chance for social justice and a green revolution and that is downright dangerous. You will be remembered for offering a different, safer and more just world. Thank you for trying.
ReplyDeleteAmen, well said
DeleteWhen my siblings and I were very young, our mum used to take us all on her campaign trail around the neighbourhood, campaigning for the Labour party. She was a staunch Labour supporter up and to Mr John Smith. After his death she became very disillusioned about the Party's direction (obviously remained faithful). But I know she would have been very proud of the party since you took on the leadership. You represented everything she wished for; protecting and fighting the PEOPLES AND ANIMALS corner; for all those in need without a selfish bone in your body. Politically speaking, I became very cynical about all politicians, and for that matter Union Leaders, Individual union leaders that became all too powerful and self promoting with large financial rewards for themselves! Every speech left hollow sounds. Then I witnessed what my mother wanted and fought for all her life; A Man that genuinely cared about people,the defenceless throughout the world. The huge injustices committed against UK citizens, the austerity, the sick,starving children, immigration rights,the list goes on.. And that man is you Jeremy Corbyn. You would have been way up there in my Mothers approval and restored her faith in the values she wished for all throughout the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for erasing the cynicism within me to the point I feel we are not alone. when challenging the wrongs in this world and finding the cure for the contemptible disease that strips our community core values.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy for your unwavering service and cast iron integrity. As a disabled person who could have really done with you winning, I don’t blame you in the slightest! We were just stacked against a corrupt media and Brexit. Simon Maders
ReplyDeleteTo qoute Jerry McQuire, "we live in a cynical world". I'm as cynical as the next man, but I recognise honesty for what it is when I see it. That's what I see in you. Along with honesty I see honour and decency with a burning desire against injustice. Mr Corbyn, you have inspired and guided me to be a better person, I cannot pay you a greater tribute than that. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI hold both a Canadian and British passport. I have lived in Canada for half my life...I was appauled by the treatment of you, by the Newspapers, and the political.powers...You have been an inspiration to so many, and I'm.sorry you had to go through what you had to, but you are a true hero...you represent so many values, that we have lost site of, Thank You, for never giving up, you have nothing to be ashamed of...I am 56 years old, and you have created so much hope, and political awareness, for so many...and again Thank you, for being the first decent Politician, I can remember so far in my lifetime.....xx
ReplyDeleteMany thanks JC for all your hard work and vision. I wonder if the general public will ever realise what they missed out on this week. The battle continues for justice and equality for all. Hope you and John will be there to support RLB in the upcoming struggles! Much love brotherx
ReplyDeleteYou gave us hope in a dark time. Thank you
ReplyDeleteYou gave me a voice and spoke only truth. Thank you Jeremy. Clare Rose Artist.
ReplyDeleteJeremy Corbyn a 1 in a million.
ReplyDeleteA just fair man fighting against a corrupt elitest and sadly the controlled brain washed public didn't see what they had.
The only MP not totally out for himself but fighting for a fairer Country and world.
You inspire me with your decency fairness and intellect.
Your had the battle of your life and you fought a fair fight with decency and honesty.
I will be forever grateful for all your efforts.
Thanks zjeremy you gave my faith.
ReplyDeleteJeremy Corbyn you are a man, who totally inspired and understood the pain of the common man, you would have been my prime minister if it wasn't for the demonising of the media, the elite were never going to let you win, this election was fraudulent, you were the people's prime minister
ReplyDeleteNo Politician in my (long) liftime has been so abused and villified by the establishment and Media, yet you have consistently projected a message of hope, decency, compassion and a fairer, better, cleaner future for the many. I salute you and thank you for your service to the people, something other politicos have forgotten is their job. Paul Brewer, Teacher
ReplyDeleteA truly great Prime Minister whom we tragically 'never had'.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you Mr Corbyn for all you have done in the name of humanity. I feel that the media coverage of your valiant attempts to create a fairer society was driven by a dark and dangerous force. I can only begin to imagine how you are feeling right now and I applaud your strength and dignity throughout. I believe Ghandi once said "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it always" Take a well earned rest now and come back renewed to continue to help those in need in our world.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jeremy,for changing the narrative. Thank you for staying steadfast in the face of horrendous, unprecedented vilification by the press. I feel you are part of my family, although I have only spoken with you once, and love you as I do my family.
ReplyDeleteFrom my heart I want to thank you for all you ave done and for being so strong and showing us the way. I saw hope for a future for my children with you and I am now filled with dread but in your name I will fight on, You are truly a great leader.
ReplyDeleteDon't stop now. Sod the PLP and the NEC, show true mettle and lead the grass root membership to take over the constituency Labour Parties and trade unions. Fight on principles, not processes.
ReplyDeleteYour truth and courage against the golden circle was inspiring. The treatment you received by the British media was horrific, depressing and totally biased against you (especially by the BBC - they should hang their heads in shame) but you maintained your principals and dignity throughout. Walk tall.. all the best from Dublin..
ReplyDeleteStay strong stay true x
ReplyDeleteWe will keep fighting social injustice you have been an example of how to remain dignified despite a disgusting barrage of hate and lies thank you for your leadership
ReplyDeleteRupert Murdoch won the election, the tories are so blatant in their lies and deceit ...thank you for rising above it all...
ReplyDeleteI was and will always be so proud that I stood with you Jeremy. You are a great comrade and a great leader. One who leads by obeying. Many are refusing to let go of or squander the hope which you instilled in us. That is our greatest strength.
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, Thank you! History will show how Britain wasted the opportunity of having a decent, honest and principled Prime Minister to lead the country out of this economic and political quagmire. It’s a great shame and stain on the nation. I have always admired you and your integrity, from your ever contestant fight against inequality and peace-seeking talks with various groups, to your fight against apartheid in South Africa and more recently, your almost unilateral stance against the U.K.invasion in Iraq. It is sickening to witness the ruthless MSM barons take national bullying to new heights in their campaign to demonise you. I understand and support your desire for a new kind of consensus and visionary politics. You and John McDonnell are amazing! But the people of Britain have revealed themselves and it is not a pretty sight. Sadly they will come to regret not having you lead the way to a better Britain. Thank you for trying. In solidarity, Elaine Mullings ����
ReplyDeleteI am English Australian, from what I have read and watched, it is such a great shame that you are not prime minister. Can you come to Australia and save us instead?
ReplyDeleteGlastonbury 2017 I stood amount the squeezed crowd in the John Peel tent. You gave an inspiring speech and filled me with warmth and gratitude. I welcomed your integrity. You are the reason Tony Blair was able to bring peace to Ireland. Through opening up
ReplyDeletecommunication on both sides. You know the only way to stop a fight is through compassion , understanding and to debate miscommunication.
As a nurse I loved what you stand for.
You amaze me how you did not retaliate against the lies and propaganda targeted at you xxxx
Dearest Jeremy,You gave us all hope with your honesty and maturity,but in a world of uncaring irresponsible capitalism you didnt get the chance that we deserved.Well done for sticking at it for so long,for staying true to what you believed in and not sinking to the level of bullying and lying and spite employed by your opposers.Thankyou for trying to change things for the better, Keep on keeping on.X
ReplyDeleteJeremy Corbyn, you are a man of honour, a politician who wanted to serve the people, who wanted to help humanity, who at to save the environment and the devastating impact of Narcissistic Leaders worldwide. Those that were not 'awake' were easily manipulated by lies, fear, smoke and mirrors and the old 'divide and conquer'. You stood up and showed us what decency is. I will never forget you or your legacy. You have sparked a torchlight, now it is up to the rest of us to carry this light onwards. Be Blessed Always
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy. as a life long supporter disgusted with the antics of Blair, you absolutely inspired me to become a member again. You have been a fantastic leader esp in the face of the constant attacks from the British MSM and your grace and dignity under fire, has been heart warming and remarkable. We shall forever be in your debt Comrade. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
ReplyDeleteLong live Israel, from the river to the sea
ReplyDeleteJeremy you are the prime minister we should have had and the only politician I've ever trusted. A true humanitarian. You have stood up to the bullies and faced down the nay-sayers with integrity and honesty. Thank you for everything you have done.
ReplyDeleteFantastic, well-balanced guy - head & heart; body & soul.. too-evolved, aware, multi-faceted, alas, for the Brits who consume tabloids, with their simplistic-narratives... One day, they will realise you were on their side, and care about them, as anyone fully-human tends to care about the whole of the human-race, and all living-beings...
ReplyDeleteYou have behaved with dignity towards the horrendous, utterly self-centred/serving press; their constant abuse and twisting of facts must have made you livid (It made me livid, when you're powerless to do anything about it, but you know it's untrue, unjust -sometimes opposite to the truth! :( )
Enjoy your wife, cat & all your family & friends this Christmas, and I will see you again somewhere I expect!
You are very well-loved by those of us who get you, and have thousands of people who would like to call you their friend...
Dear Jeremy, your courage and dignity in the face of such an onslaught and vilification by those, inside and outside the party that want to destroy you because they are fearful of change, is a huge inspiration to those of us, artists and non artists alike, striving for a Fair, Equitable and Just society for all. A true visionary, thank you and blessings.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. History will be kind to this great man
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy - Your 3/4 years as leader has put the cause of Socialism right back on the agenda especially for the young who are the future. I am proud to have voted for you and supported you in every way possible. You have made a mark which will be remembered for generations. It is still a crusade for the many not the few and it will continue as such until we win. You have my utmost respect and I hope you keep going in Parliament, it's a marathon not a sprint and the future is ours.
ReplyDeleteYou inspired me to once again whole heartily support Labour. It was with great sadness when I heard the we have another 5 years of the Tories. To me a regressive step and I fear for many. Thanks for your decency and compassion. As a Christian, I appreciate you and your peaceful works.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Jeremy you were ahead of your time: just a few years. Hopefully the young will rise up soon and knock the establishment down, at least a little. I don't like talking in past tenths about you, for me you are still the present and the future
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, I've always voted Labour but I didn't join the Party until there was the possibility of voting you in as Leader. My Mum (now 89) had left the Labour Party over Tony Blair's Iraq disaster but rejoined, along with me, as it seemed at last Labour would be able to return to its Socialist roots. What you achieved has been monumental - against all the odds, you and other Labour MPs have shifted the 'Overton Window' to the Left. You've shone a much needed light on the poor and disempowered, and made the nation think - even if only a little - about what kind of world we wish to live in. I have found the media and Tory vilification of you shameful and disgusting, and despite all the smears and lies I thank you for staying honourable throughout. You so clearly believe in what you say, and have absolute clarity of vision, unlike your opponents. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you very much for all you have done, and know that you are much appreciated. All the best, Elaine (and Janet)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your hard work. Such a shame that the vote share is not reflected in seats. Your message has brought those of us disillusioned with centrist policies back to the Labour party.
ReplyDeleteThank you for demonstrating to us all that politics can be authentic, be human, be kind, be empathetic, be visionary, be compassionate. You were wickedly treated by the media and BBC. You inspired me to believe in socialism again
ReplyDeleteA politician who doesn’t attack individuals, who doesn’t vilify personality, whose political life has been about attacking bigotry, fighting for a better life for those of us who are more vulnerable, but who suffered 3 years of assault by media, by corporate interests, by those who have no interest in the many. We shall miss you more than we realise now.
ReplyDeleteAs a mother, Artist and fellow human, I would like to thank Jeremy for all as stated above. You inspired me to believe in politics and the possibility of real change. I was appalled by the Media coverage, disinformation and bias reporting. I Joined the labour party because I believed in you and feel sad that you were treated so badly. We shall carry on your cause. We won't give up. We will carry on because it is the right thing to do. You have been an inspiration to so many and have engaged a whole generation of young people in politics. You had them all running scared because they know you would have never have been their puppet. Thank you for supporting and wanting to change the fortunes of many vulnerable people in our society. I fear there will be many more! Thank you for your dignity, remaining true and honest and thank you for your life long commitment to peace, fairness and equality.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you think of Jeremy, and most people are positive, if he had been elected Prime Minister of a Labour majority government, we may have had Dianne Abbot as Home Secretary, which would have been the biggest calamity ever. Law, common sense and justice would have been consigned to the dustbin, alongside personal integrity, and mathematic capability.
ReplyDeleteWhy he aligned himself to such a loser is beyond belief.
Thank Goodness that Jeremy lost.
British voters do not deserve to have someone like Jeremy Corbyn as their Prime Minister. They do not need a person with honesty, integrity and compassion to lead them. No, they would much prefer an arsehole or a sociopath to lead them to the future. Good luck to them.
ReplyDeleteYes that speak for me, please add my name
ReplyDeleteLoz Speyer - musician
Thank you Jeremy Corbyn. The Greatest Leader this country will now never have. The rarest of things, (an honest politician), who fought a clean campaign in the dirtiest of elections. An incoruptable force for the good of all, not just lining his pockets for the favor of the few. Sir, I take my hat off to you and really wish that you didn't have to stand down. You were the PM we needed. Just a pity MSM hypnotized and brainwashed the masses into choosing that bumbling cockwomble instead. A very sad day indeed :(
ReplyDeleteThankyou so much Jeremy Corbyn, your integrity has and will continue to ignite the sparks of positive change.🍂🍂🍃
ReplyDeleteOOO Jeremy Corbyn, more than 20 years ago I was homeless in London. It was a very very cold winter. I use to fill my days by everyday going to a different charity to ask them to help me. They were all absolutely useless with the exception of a homeless charity in Pratt Street Camden, who used to give us food and allow us to wash ourselves and our clothes. Somebody there told me about this MP in Islington that really cared about the homeless. I went to see you and told you my story. That was on a Friday about 11 am. By 5 that evening I had a home in Islington. Thank you for saving my life.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy hope from me to you is joy and peace, I witnessed what no person should witness against their anyone, that being bitterness, hatred and murderous as well as many others. I’m only sorry I couldn’t take the hits for you. You have my Deepest Regards and my Highest Respects. Thank you Mr Corbyn
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy,
ReplyDeleteKnow that you are loved and appreciated by so many for the compassionate soul that you are and for everything you have done for humanity, and for the vision you had for change. I wish you well-deserved peace and happiness and I will miss you. Ailia
Dear Jeremy I wish you and your family well for the future. Thankyou for showing the country what a true leader could be. Labour will learn from the disgraceful way the media treated you and will unite behind the next leader. Marg
ReplyDeleteThank-you Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, for remaining calm, dignified and true to your [and our] chosen course in the face of overwhelming noise and lies from the forces of untruth and smear. Although of small compensation, history will be kinder to you than almost all of the current "bought & sold" British media.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy for retaining your clarity of vision and for your undying commitment to social justice. Your dignity and patience in the face of unprecedented vilification from the right-wing media has been extraordinary -- and in the midst of the electoral mayhem you and your senior colleagues came over as true statesmen surrounded by charlatans. Take it easy -- recharge your batteries and have a very happy Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI had never even once attended a political rally.
ReplyDeleteI had never even once agreed with anything a politician had said.
I had never even once been moved to tears by a politicians words.
I had never even once believed in a politician.
I had never even once had hope for my fellow British people.
I had never even once dared to dream that we might have a system that puts people before profit.
I had never even once thought we could emphasise that life should be good for the many, not just the few.
Until Jeremy Corbin became leader of the Labour Party.
Thank you Jeremy, for inspiring me to believe in a future with real justice, real equality and real prospects.
Thank you for being a perfect gentleman in the face of such horrendous bias and smears.
Thank you for giving the best years of your life to us, for all our betterment.
You are a great man.
Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for standing up for humanity, humility, dialogue and for holding a vision of a better future for us and this precious planet. I honour and thank you.
ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy, I am friends with two people who have worked with you, (one Ruth Wilson who is sadly not with us any more) both of whom held you in the highest regard and respect and believed in the values and policies you espouse. Thank you for standing up for wildlife and the environment, I am sad you won`t be PM, I hate the way things are going now. Dont let the negative people get you down, Happy Christmas with your family, Jill, Manager, Hedgepigs and Hoglets Rescue
ReplyDeleteUseless waste of oxygen. Terrorist sympathiser, another career politician bites the dust
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletebla bla bla daily fail brainwashing at its finest
DeleteDear Jeremy,
ReplyDeleteYour world view of compassion for all humanity is sadly not understood by people who are easily & willingly fooled by the age-old trick of populism, seemingly favouring some members (their own) of the human race over others. Hence, they spit bile and vitriol at you, who are one of those rare people who would show compassion to those who hate (even hurt) you. One day (it comes to us all), they will wish for someone like you to show them the humanity they eschew for others. Please remember you are loved & honoured by so many who share your values as you have been a man of principles, kindness, humility & dignity in the face of vile abuse. I only joined the Labour Party because of you - I fear you have big shoes to fill as you have been incorruptible (and hence vilified by the establishment). I don't know if anyone else can be as strong. May you have peace, happiness & love forever more. Thank you xxx
i can only add i m crying for all those that are left behind following the election whether they are aware of it yet or are yet to find out
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy and John and it's a sad lost for the UK that we don't have the LP in office with Corbyn in number 10. Did I say thank you, I'll say thank you again.
ReplyDeleteFor a while I really thought the common sense, humanity and a more selfless population would grasp the opportunity to finally vote for a true full leader with an amazing manifesto to work towards a more balanced a fair society that could truly bring us together to save the planet for future generations then I woke up and it was just a dream. You get the government you deserve I'm afraid. Im sad forJeremy Corbyn to have been so derided in the press and to have lost his chance to show us all his vision. Don't give up.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy for standing for gentleness and humanity towards the most vulnerable in our society. Thanks also for dignity and humility you have shown since the General Election. I am sorry for the slurs and abuse you received during the campaign. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that national newspapers are allowed to print such total lies without any comeback. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for being a man of integrity and dignity.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeremy for your dignity and perseverence while maintaining a determination to get the correct moral view point across while representing our Labour Party and constituency. That the truth was not fully revealed to the general electorate is wholly due to the political control of the mass media and the bias they exercise in their own interests and loyalty to greed & avarice. I do not want you to resign from the leadership, far from it, I'd like you to stay and complete the job. But only if you can. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou have been an inspiration to me and my family, so much so that 2 of us have joined the Labour Party. Your integrity and principles have shone through the blitzkrieg of right wing attacks - how you managed to maintain your calm demeanour will always be a mystery to me. Well done and thanks for everything, you will never be forgotten. We will continue to stand for democratic socialist principles, even though the system is so heavily stacked against us.
ReplyDeleteLove and respect for everything you have done Jeremy. You will continue to inspire our campaign for a better future.
ReplyDeleteYou have been a breath of fresh air! True good Labour after being soiled by tory blair's new labour for years. If you change your mind about not being leader, you will be the greatest PM ever. C.& T. Darley- Wildman.
ReplyDeleteI truly thank you for rising to the challenge of leading an honest campaign with respect and integrity... a campaign based on empathy and hope. In the face of constant discouraging smear attempts you stood your ground and never stooped to the level of back biting and bickering. For what it's worth, empathy towards displaced Palestinians does not, of course, constitute as antisemitism. I met you in Bristol in a cafe and you held my baby boy! It was great to meet you. Thanks for being strong and dignified in the face of adversity, Mr Corbyn. Inspirational.
ReplyDeleteJeremy, I met you at the Brighton Hustings in 2015. I was a new member of the party having previously voted for leader as a union member. I went with an open mind and with no clue of who I would vote for. You impressed me with everything you said and I knew that day you were the best man for the job. My husband has been a "floating voter" for most of his life, but once you were leader, he listened to you in interviews and Commons QT etc, and decided you were the most honest politician he'd come across and is now firmly in our camp. Thank you for bringing traditional Labour values back. My late father was a refugee from the Nazis and a committed Labour supporter and trade unionist. He'd have backed you all the way too. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMany thought you were un-electable as PM. In the end this was proven to be the case. You have set Labour back years if not decades
ReplyDeletewhat an incredibly strong, compassionate inspiration. Corbyn is still there to defend the disadvantaged no matter the bullying or mps backstabbing. he is still there selfless.
ReplyDeletehe's miles ahead of this time.
absolute respect
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ReplyDeleteIt was no surprise to me that the media chose to demonise your pursuit for equality and humanity. The majority of influential employees in the institutions, which the media is built on support and promote hatred. Neo-Liberalism itself can only exist with the influence of hatred, for the economic abuse of a fellow human cannot be executed through love. Unfortunately this is a reflection of the British and other societies, which are yet to evolve through the power of love.
ReplyDeleteWith much respect to your work for the GE 2019, Seeyam Brijmohun MA (commendation)
Thank you Jeremy for your support and loyalty as the leader of our honourable labour party for the many against the corrupt few and hopefully for many more years to come God bless you and your family sir.🌹✊🕊️🙏💎😎
ReplyDeleteSammy Palfrey i have waited 50 years since becoming politically active for a Leader of the Labour Party like you. That is why i joined. You have inspired a massive amount of a young generation to politics and shown us all that socialism is the only way forward to create a happy caring society for the many. It will be a very dark day when you resign as leader, but we will carry on the fight knowing you will continue too, there will always be space for people as great as you are. Ohhhhh, Jeremy Corbyn ����
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ReplyDeleteDear Jeremy. Please reconsider your resignation. Do you realise you lost the election because in an act of desperation & fear the media, Tories & establishment mobilised a last ditch campaign against you & rigged the election count to obstruct your path to power?
You won the debate on behalf of the 99%, on behalf of our embattled NHS & public services, the homeless, working poor & vulnerable. You saw off 2 Tory PMs, had Mrs May on the ropes throughout her tenure & derailed her Brexit agenda completely. Same with Boris, you had him on the ropes, procrastinating, bumbling, lying & staggering around like a headless chicken.
Come back & finish this fight with us. The rigged election result says absolutely nothing about you, but everything about the people who would rather see injustice, oppression & hate reign, see millions starved & driven to ruin than allow a man like you; a man of prescience; compassion, integrity & conscience, representing the 99% in power.
Only you can fix this Jeremy.You've earned your place, don't let them push you out after 4 years of the grassroots movement & you standing up to the barrage of smears, lies & hate from socialism's enemies.
I remain inspired, you inspired me like no other politician that we can have that better world but we can't have it without brave politicians like you leading the way & standing with us. Do it for you; for the membership; for your children, our children, future generations, the planet Throw out convention & stand up again, to hell with what they say, what can they say that we haven't already heard, don't believe the hype or the rigged election Jeremy, the people are awake & stand with you. Millions of lives & the planet are at stake if you don't fight back now.
I totally agree with the above, please reconsider your resignation.
DeleteYou are a great and rare example of someone who truly cares about people. But it seems we have to drive into the wall before people can understand who you were and what your manifesto truly offered.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr Corbyn. You gave us hope and inspiration. I saw you give a speech in Hastings and you came across as a good man.
ReplyDeleteI am in tears to see so many people thanking Jeremy Corbyn. He was my beacon of hope. My dream that people come first. Not money. We are all in this together. My new dream is he will carry on fighting for us. I will stand by him.
ReplyDeleteBefore Jeremy Corbyn I had never before been inspired to join a political party or to closely follow party politics. Like many others I joined the Labour party because of him and to vote for him to lead the Labour party. I have remained a member ever since.
ReplyDeleteHe is not on the far left, he wants to see a just and fair society. The media have a lot to answer for.
With so many people inspired and particularly younger people, I feel hopeful that the wonderful manifesto will come to fruition.
I never voted before Jeremy Corbyn was an option. Now I won't vote again until he is re-instated.
DeleteWin or loose you are so great none else will ever get anywhere near you in terms of love , affection and admiration from so many millions we won’t be able to quantify. You will be dwelling in the hearts of people both young and old for generations to come as a national hero . Nobody can take your place in the forceable future. Long live Jeremy Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteGood that JC is going. I joined the Labour Party to help get shot of him. Labour and the country deserved better.
ReplyDeleteYes as an author myself you have been an amazing inspiration Jeremy